If you are looking for a good place to donate packaged toys this holiday season, St. Nix is collaborating with Kenzi's Causes, The Fort Collins Ghostbusters, Northern Colorado Ghostbusters, and High Plains Ghostbusters for a toy drive to provide toys to those in the community who may not receive any otherwise. You can either buy a packaged toy at St. Nix (30% Off) or bring one in and place it in the donation box. To learn more or donate to Kenzi's Causes, visit https://kenziscauses.org/
Additionally, we will join forces with all the Colorado Ghostbusters for the Fill The Ecto event, a family-friendly gathering to fill multiple Ghostbuster vehicles with toys for the cause. Stay tuned for more details in the near future.
#kenziescauses #toydrive #toysforkids #donateatoy #stnix #ghostbusters #coloradoghostbusters #filltheecto #GhostbustersToyDrive #toydonation
